Agriculture Facts, Updated June 2023
Florida's 47,500 farms and ranches utilized 9.7 million acres and continue to produce a wide variety of safe and dependable food products. From the citrus groves and the nurseries in central and southern Florida, to the vegetables in various regions around the State, to the cattle and calves throughout the State, these farms and ranches provide Florida with a large and stable economic base. In 2021, Florida ranked 1st in the United States in the value of production sweet corn, total value floriculture sales, value of foliage plants for indoor use, Valencia Oranges, Sugarcane, fresh market tomatoes, and watermelons. In 2021, Florida ranked 2nd in value of production for bell peppers, grapefruit, all oranges, strawberries, and non-Valencia oranges. In 2021, Florida ranked 4th nationally in cabbage, cantalope and peanuts. Florida citrus growers in 2021-2022 produced 53 million boxes of oranges and 4.1 million boxes of grapefruit. Florida accounts for 38% of the total United States citrus production, down 12% from the 2019-2020 season. Milk in 2021 produced cash receipts of $470 millions, while cattle and calves produced $546 million in cash receipts. On January 1, 2022, there were 1.63 million head of cattle on farms and ranches in Florida, including 895,000 head of beef cows and 105,000 head of milk cows, down 70,000 head from 2021. Florida ranked 12th in beef cows and 18th in total cattle in the United States. Florida producers harvested 404,500 acres of augarcane for sugar and seed in 2021, down 4% from 2020. Florida has 17.16 million acres (26,087 square miles) of forestland, representing 50% of the State's total land area. Florida's agricultural exports went from a decade-low $3.8 billion to a decade-high of $4.72 billion.